Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Codes, Codes, Codes and More Codes!

Here's the international translations chart for the Morse code.
I love codes and signals, do you? I decided to check out different codes and signals used around the world. There the famous morse code: ..../..     ./...-/./.-./-.--/---/-./.    -../---     -.--/---/..-     .-../../-.-/.      .--/.-./../-/../-./--. ../-.  -.-./---/-.../. ? I can't wait to show you lots of codes that I know! Do you know how long codes and signals have been around? As far as I know codes have been around since the book of Genesis in the Bible. Yeah, you wouldn't think of it but most of the codes were dreams or visions which were then interpreted to understand it. Of course, I'm sure you wouldn't count that as a code but it is. Here's another easy code, pig Latin: Idda ouya nowka hatta ona oneway nowska henwa igpa atinla aswa adema? Heta earliestway entionma aswa inwas ayma 1869! Pig Latin was used for entertainment  or for private conversations from one person to another. Signals have been used a lot too, their also codes. Such as this Hand fan language:
Twirling the fan in the left hand-we're being watched
Carrying the fan in the right hand in front of her face- follow me
Covering the left ear with open fan-do not betray our secret
Drawing hand through hand-I hate you
Touching the tip of fan with finger-I wish to speak to you
Dropping the fan-we will be friends
Touching the handle of the fan to the lips- kiss me
Clever huh, I wish I had a fan. Oh wait I do!!! I grab my favorite fan, it's wooden and has a nice painted picture on the front. I open the fan and cover my left ear and smile. There are so many other codes to be learned I'll show you to more! The open letter code:

Hello Everyone,
I hope you remember everything you learn. Writing and decoding codes takes a lot of time and skills. Be ready to tackle any message that comes your way. Ready for a hard one? How many of you are resourceful? Wait for a new adventure is so much fun don't you think? 
From, Lizzy

Well did anyone get that? I bet you didn't well ill give you a hint. The last word or the first word of each sentence makes a message! Good luck! I know that you'll have fun writing in code and deciding messages! Well this is Lizzy the lizard, making sure that you know the codes! :)

Written by: Liz the Lizard
Photographer: Daniel P. Smithwater
Edited by: Christian Ryan, Joy Hammond and Mr. Smiley


We here at Smiley’s News, I have been working night and day to get articles ready. I could really use some help! So we are looking for people interested in writing (especially kids and teens). If you are interested, PLEASE(!) send an email to and save me from working night and day! I’m exhausted!

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