Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Stolen Story - Part 1

Lizzy the Lizard's story for this week was stolen? That's a news-worthy story in and of itself!
Lizzy the Lizard here and I'm reporting from the Smiley News office where the temperature seems to be freezing and the paperwork is slow." I sit at my desk and groan, what's the use? This day was way too ordinary. As far as I knew, everyone was doing ordinary protocol. I was about to head down to the main lobby, where a few  reporters were leaving early for lunch when I was stopped by the kitchen. "Hey there, Chef Rack-coon," I began, "what's are you gonna cook for lunch?" "Well I was planning to cook," he responded. "But my latest shipment hasn't come in yet." The chef looked puzzled. I volunteered to go downtown and grab some ingredients but Rack-coon refused. "I'm sure it will come in any time." He stated. A few minutes later, a the shipment arrived. I offered to help unpack but again Chef Rack-coon declined. "You know, you could feed the elephants," he said. Okay” I agreed, picking up a bag of a bag of sweetened jellybeans. I walked around the office building trying to find the elephant's room. I walked into the room and finally found the door. Methuselah politely thanked me for the jellybeans and closed the door. As I walked down back down to the lobby, Rack thanked me for doing the delivery. Since Chef Rack-coon had prepared lunch, I decided to stay. The lunch was delicious but it became evident that the news office was a little too noisy. I decided to check it out. I asked one reporter about it but already said that he was questioned by Mr. Smiley. Rats! He stole my story! The only thing I could do was sit and wait for Mr.Smiley to finish solving the puzzle but I'm don't think I'll just sit here and wait. Where did the sound come from? How did it happen?
To be continued . . .

Written by: Lizzy the Lizard

Photographer: N/A
Edited by: Christian Ryan, Joy Hammond & Mr. Smiley


We here at Smiley’s News, I have been working night and day to get articles ready. I could really use some help! So we are looking for people interested in writing (especially kids and teens). If you are interested, PLEASE(!) send an email to and save me from working night and day! I’m exhausted!

Weekly Cartoons

Next Issue: A Stolen Story pt. 2 (Conclusion)

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