Thursday, April 3, 2014

AAI.'s Hodge Podge Garage Sale

Mrs. Corythosaurus and her daughter Morgan decide what they should sell at AAI.'s garage sale while Mr. Parasaurolophus packs up items in the background.
If you think your room can get messy, well, you haven't seen messy until you've seen the kinds of messes some of the residents at Animal Adventures Inc. (AAI.) can make! Check out my co-writer Lizzy the Lizard's apartment when it gets messy! Sometimes the residents' (animals and humans alike) apartments can get very cluttered with stuff. The reason being? Frankly AAI. doesn't have the kind of places where residents can drop off unused or unwanted items so they sort of add up after a while. Sure, they often trade with one another and give things away, but it still doesn't solve the problem.

This is when AAI.'s first ever Hodge Podge Garage Sale comes into play! To find out more, my trusty, junior photographer, Daniel P. Smithwater and I went to AAI.'s founder, president and the the brains behind the idea, Nigel Milligan. Nigel's quoted for saying, “After a while, everyone just needs to get rid of stuff. I for one need to clean out my basement. I was looking down there the other day for some files I needed and I found them inside a pizza box dated 2012! As if that's not bad enough, there was actually pizza inside . . . can't say it would taste very good to me, but Rack-Coon, our head chef, doesn't seem to think it tastes that bad. But that's because raccoons are often known for climbing into dumpsters to retrieve food. Fortunately, he doesn't use what he finds in the trash to make other people's dishes when he's cooking.”

The Garage Sale is going to take place on April 12th, 2014 right on AAI. property in front across from Mary's Mall. Even though it isn't until next week, many animals and humans are already preparing for the event; they're gathering things they plan to give away. The local hadrosaur (or duck-billed dinosaur) family – consisting of Para the Parasaurolophus, his wife Graciela the Corythosaurus and Morgan their daughter – is one great example. We had the opportunity to get an exclusive interview with the family. “I know it's almost a week away,” says Cory as she packs some stuff into some boxes, “but this is really a big event for us hadrosaurs! We hardly ever have the chance to clear out stuff like this. I hope . . . [I'll] finally be able to get rid of this bed set that I got for my birthday. I really like it, but it's really made for a human being to lie on, hon. This little thing isn't going to support my two-ton weight. Add my 2.5-ton husband to that and you've got a broken bed frame. Better give it to someone who can use it.” Morgan is also excited about the possibility of getting rid of some things. “To tell you the truth,” Morgan whispers, “my Mom's a bit of a packrat, so any opportunity we get to give away stuff we need to take. For the past several years she's been holding onto her the first pot she ever cooked with. Seriously! The whole thing's pretty warn because I'm pretty sure it's cheaply made.” At that moment, Morgan tried to slip the pot into a box of things to give away when a loud foghorn-like noise from the kitchen alerts us to the fact that Morgan's been busted in the act. “Morgan! How many times do I have to tell you?” she exclaims. “I can't get rid of the first pot I ever cooked in! Tell ya what hon, put that back on the kitchen counter.” Morgan looked at me and said, “See what I mean?”

Animals aren't the only creatures hoping to give away unwanted stuff. Dr. Steve Stevenson at AAI.'s Animal Adventures Institute and his assistant Oliver Oviraptor are also boxing up stuff to give away at the garage sale. Dr. Steve is quoted for saying, “Some of the equipment in my lab is old but still works. I'd love to use it, but I simply can't because my system's too new for some of the equipment to handle and they don't work together well. I have some scientist buddies who live nearby who would be most happy to use this stuff. They've got older laboratory systems that will work with the old equipment just fine.” That's not the only equipment that's going to be given away: Oliver Oviraptor says that they have loads and loads and loads of plastic eggs in their storage center, so many that they aren't quite sure what to do with them all. “We use plastic eggs to inject dinosaur embryos into that will grow to be too large to fit grow comfortably inside the egg off a living species of animal. These plastic eggs are specially designed to function almost like real eggs and they really come in handy when we're cloning sauropods. Sauropods laid some of the largest eggs ever to be laid on the planet! Some sauropods hatch out of eggs the size of soccer or footballs! Unfortunately, now we have too many eggs and not enough dinosaurs to hatch. So when Dr. Steve invites some of his scientist friends to the garage sale, we'll give tons of them away. That's a fact!”

Nigel believes that the garage sale was a great idea and many more AAI. residents than the ones we interviewed will be participating. “With well over 700 animals and less than a hundred humans,” Nigel says, “I believe we'll have a huge turnout . . . hopefully Rack-Coon can prepare enough food . . .”

Written by: Mr. Smiley
Photographer: Daniel P. Smithwater
Edited by: Christian Ryan, Joy Hammond


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