Thursday, October 18, 2012


A family of Tyrannosaurus rex are preparing to attack a herd of Triceratops
Recently, in the badlands of what is now Montana, scientists have uncovered evidence of a prehistoric clash of the titans! A team of paleontologists, lead by Dr. Samuel Adamson PhD., and his wife Dr. Indiana Adamson PhD., were on a fossil hunt when they found the fossils of not one, not two, but three horned dinosaurs, called Triceratops Horridus were discovered. Triceratops Horridus means “Horrible Three-Horned Face” in Greek and Latin. This find sounded really cool, so my junior photographer, Daniel P. Smithwater and I rushed over to the scene. We interviewed the two paleontologists to get a full scoop on the story. “We were just walking around the site when we noticed a pointed object sticking out of the ground,” recalls Dr. Samuel. “We took a closer look at it and realized that it was actually the horn of a ceratopsian, or horned dinosaur called Triceratops. So that’s what we’ve been digging up lately.” And that’s not all they found – they also uncovered the remains of six predators nearby. They weren’t just any old predators; they were the most famous predatory dinosaurs in – Tyrannosaurus rex! There were two adults, one sub-adult and three juveniles. Dr. Indiana believes that this is more evidence that giant predators such as T. rex, who were traditionally viewed as being solitary hunters, might have hunted, or even lived in family groups. “This is the third find of more than one T. rex at one location,” says Dr. Indiana. “I think this is incredible evidence that dinosaurs like Tyrannosaurus hunted in packs.” Although the T. rex were probably hunting the Triceratops, the paleontologists believe a force of nature killed these behemoths – perhaps the second most terrible event in history (remember, the first most terrible event was the Fall of Man) caused their deaths, and that catastrophe was Noah’s Flood. As the animals were hunting, perhaps the water level rose rather quickly and drowned all these dinosaurs. “The area we are searching in has more fossils than expected,” Dr. Samuel says. “We hope to find many fossils out here that will help us learn more about the dinosaurs living in this environment. We have already learned that this area was covered with grasses and cycads plants in the plains, and a variety of ancient trees formed the forests. One thing we will be especially happy to learn is exactly how many other extinct creatures are out here.” It seems to me that Dr. Samuel and the team still have a lot of digging to do!

Written by: Mr. Smiley
Photographer: Daniel P. Smithwater
Edited by: Christian Ryan

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