Thursday, February 6, 2014

Lizzy and the Riddler pt. 1

In this photo, Jack the Jackrabbit helps Lizzy solve a few riddles. Read more about it below!
I finally received my order for a special delivery. It was officially sealed and as heavy as ever. When I opened it there was a tiny piece of paper. I looked into the empty box perplexed. I spent $75 on a surprise for Mr. Smiley and now it was gone. Where is my package? I opened up the note and this is what it read:
 “To save your package, Lizard, You must solve my riddles. What is clean when it's black but dirty when it's white?”
I sit down at my desk, confused. I couldn't tell Mr. Smiley about this because then it would ruin the surprise, of course.
“Think Lizzy, think” I mutter looking around the office.
I watched as Ted put up a few notes on a clean chalkboard, then hurriedly erased the mistakes as best he could. Oh man, I groan. I just washed that board this morning! I quietly sit up in my seat.
“A Chalkboard!!!!” I exclaim excitedly, “It's clean when it's black and dirty when it's white because when you erase the chalk off it gets all musty!”
I hurry over to the chalkboard and peeled off another note. This is what it says:
“Very good Lizzy, here's the next one. What band does not preform, sing, or act?”
I smile happy to know that my package must be somewhere in the facility because of all these pointless riddles here in the office.
“Hm, what band does not preform...sing...or act?” I mumble as Jack the jackrabbit hops into the room.
“Hi Lizzy, what were you just saying?” he asked.
“Oh hi, Jack....this is a random question but are you good at riddles?” I asked, curious.
“Um yeah, a little,” he admitted. “What's the riddle?”
“What band does not preform, sing, or act?” I repeat.
Jack scratched the back of his head and then his eyes land on something on the table in front of me. He starts to laugh.
“That was a pretty good riddle, Lizzy, but not good enough!” he smiles. “A rubber band! HAHA!”
I look down and see a rubber band holding a rolled up index card right in front of me. I watched as Jack hurried away before I unrolled the note.
“Hey!” I remember, “getting help from others is cheating! Never mind, here's the next riddles: 'What has four eyes but cannot see? And what can run but never walk, has a mouth but never talks. Has a head but never weeps. Has a bed but does never sleeps?'”
I sit down and start to think. This is going to be a long day.

To be continued...

Written by: Lizzy the Lizard
Photographer: Daniel P. Smithwater
Edited by: Christian Ryan and Joy Hammond

We here at Smiley’s News, I have been working night and day to get articles ready. I could really use some help! So we are looking for people interested in writing (especially kids and teens). If you are interested, PLEASE(!) send an email to and save me from working night and day! I’m exhausted!

Weekly Cartoons

Next Issue: Chores Are For Boars

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