Monday, March 3, 2014

Lizzy and the Riddler pt. 2

Lizzy the Lizard and Jack the Jackrabbit are still solving mysterious riddles.
Previously on Lizzy and the Riddler:
Lizzy opens the box with the thing she ordered when she discovered a piece of paper inside.
“To save your package, Lizard, You must solve my riddles.”
With some help from Jack the jackrabbit . . .
“That was a pretty good riddle, Lizzy but not good enough!” He smiles, “A rubber band! HAHA!”
. . . Lizzy ended up with a two riddle mystery.
“Hey getting help from others is cheating! Never mind, here's the next riddle: What has four eyes but cannot see? And what can run but never walk, has a mouth but never talks. Has a head but never weeps. Has a bed but does never sleep?”

And now Part two of our show.
I sit at my desk thinking about what kind of answer would this be. I think what really scared me was when the note mentioned that I got help from someone. This must mean the Riddler is in the building! I to decided to cheat and check out the answers to the riddles on my laptop but I found another note.
“So you're deciding cheat? That's pretty low. I know that you're a smart Lizard.”
I scream a little startled. I shake my head and close my laptop.
“What has four eyes but cannot see,” I said to myself.
“Oh that one is easy,” said a voice behind me, “It's Mississippi because it has four 'I's and cannot see.”
I turn around to see Jack standing behind me.
“My brother told me that one,” he added.
“Jack!” I hissed. “I'm supposed to do these riddles alone.”
Jack peered over my shoulder and spotted the other riddle.
“Oh really?” he smiled. “It's a river. The second answer is a riddle.”
“Jack!” I say in dismay. “Why don't you go bug someone else?”
“Nah, I'll stay here” he said, “looks like you need help.
I stood up from my seat.
“I. DO. NOT. NEED. YOUR. HELP!” I said slowly.
Jack blinked and then smiled again.
“Too late,” he added, “I already know where you have to go next.”
I look at him a little annoyed. Jack started to hop away.
“Wait!” I call out, “ . . . where?”
Jack turned with a smile, “The Mississippi river.”

Written by: Lizzy the Lizard
Photographer: Daniel P. Smithwater
Edited by: Christian Ryan, Joy Hammond, Mr. Smiley

Weekly Cartoons

Next Issue: The Cretaceous Dinosaur Runway

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