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Author's Note: You might be glad to know that this is the 100th article written for Smiley's News! Thanks to all of our dedicated readers!
Scientists who believe in the theory of evolution are constantly
affirming that dinosaurs existed 65 million years before the first
modern humans walked the earth (62 million years before
proto-humans), and that's the supposedly latest existing dinosaurs of
the Late Cretaceous period. According to evolutionists, most
dinosaurs lived and have been extinct for far longer than 65 million
years. But how do they know this? Were they there?
Now, creationists, such as myself, weren't there either, but we do
rely on the holy words of the Individual who was there: God!
If we study the Bible carefully, we learn that the world is actually
no older than 6,000 years and that dinosaurs did live with man. Why
then haven't we found humans with dinosaur fossils? Well, a better
question to ask is “Have we found humans with dinosaur fossils?”
At one of his summer dig sites, Animal Adventures Institute's
head paleontologist, Dr. Samuel Adamson, his wife, Indiana and the
rest of their dig team were at a fossil bed in Texas' Paluxy River
and uncovered an amazing discovery: dinosaur footprints. My trusty,
junior photographer, Daniel P. Smithwater and I flew down to check
out his unusual find. Samuel was busy the moment we arrived, so I
started my interview with Dr. Indiana, who told me about the area the
footprints were found in. She is quoted for saying, “Dinosaur
footprints in this area date around 4,350 years ago, about the time
of the Flood. The rock layer these footprints are deposited in is
called lower Cretaceous and is in the Glen Rose Formation;
evolutionists normally date this rock layer to about 105-115 million
years ago.” Indiana said that a long time ago, dinosaurs of all
shapes and sizes would have lived here, from long-necked sauropods,
to 40-foot carnosaurs, iguanodontds and raptors. “Although,”
Indiana says, “footprints aren't really too rare around here and
have been collected by scientists and amateurs for over half a
century, the ones we've found are quite interesting.”
Then Samuel was finally available to show us the fossil footprints
they'd found in the shallow river (actually, this part of the Paluxy
River is more like a creek). The fossil footprint is of a large,
three-toed carnosaur dinosaur and a what looks like a human footprint
where the middle toe of the theropod is. Daniel was glad to start
taking pictures. Then Samuel started to tell me more about the
amazing find. “A couple of my team members and I were following a
dinosaur trackway in the creek,” he says, “and we stumbled upon
this find, a dinosaur and what appears to be a human footprint in the
same slab of rock, overlapping. It wasn't actually attached to the
rock we were surveying, but rather lying on top of it. What's
interesting is that the “human” footprint had to have been laid
down first, because the dinosaur's middle toe claw goes over
the alleged human footprint! So if this is legitimate, this would be
terrific evidence that man lived with dinosaurs!”
Samuel says that the carnosaur footprint seems to belong to a large
carcharodontosaurid called Acrocanthosaurus, the largest
carnivorous dinosaur in the area. “It was a large and ferocious
beast with a ridge – either a sail or fatty hump – along the top
of its neck, back and a little bit of the tail, nasty jaws full of
knife-like teeth and sharp claws on its hands that were like
meat-hooks to its prey.” Acrocanthosaurus grew about 40 feet
in length.
The recent find has gotten many geologists and paleontologists very
intrigued. One of the most notable is Dr. Richard Taylor, a
paleontologist at the Creation Museum of Texas History in Glen Rose,
Texas. He says, “This is undeniable proof that mankind lived with
dinosaurs! I don't know why evolutionists won't just admit that. Not
only is the dinosaur footprints in the same slab of rock as the human
footprint, but it's overlapping! That alone should make every
evolutionist wonder if their belief is wrong. This is just one of the
many evidences that dinosaurs lived with humans. My dig team...[and]
I have made numerous discoveries in the Paluxy River over the past
ten years that disprove the earth being millions of years old. Many
human footprints have been discovered in rocks evolutionists believe
were laid down during the Cretaceous period. We've also found what we
believe to be a cat pawprint and a petrified human finger.”
As amazing as Dr. Taylor's claims are, Dr. Adamson is a bit more
cautious about these finds. He is quoted for saying, “I'm sure Dr.
Taylor is a well-meaning scientist. But I and many other creationists
believe he's making claims are not well supported by the evidence.”
Some creation paleontologists I've talked to agree with Samuel. In
fact, there's even evidence to suggest that many of Dr. Taylor's
claims are hoaxes; now that isn't to say that they were perpetrated
by Dr. Taylor himself of course. “In fact,” Samuel continues,
“it's interesting to note that the dinosaur-human footprint we
found wasn't connected to the riverbed, it was lying on top of
it. Now way back when, especially in the 1930's, many people out here
in Glen Rose, Texas used to carve human footprints into the same
rocks as dinosaur footprints and sell them as if they were
legitimate. The dino-human footprint we found might have been
accidentally left behind from those days. I'm also rather suspicious
about the toes of the human in our specimen: the big toe looks like
it made a bigger imprint in the then-mud then is to be expected from
a human big toe.”
However, this isn't to say there isn't any evidence that dinosaurs
lived with mankind sometime in the past, as Dr. Samuel explains:
“There's lots of incredible evidence that man lived with dinosaurs.
Petroglyphs and other types of rock carvings have been found all over
the world of things that greatly resemble dinosaurs. It also seems
extremely unlikely that dragon legends from all over the world could
have all been just stories made up to entertain people. No, I think
many of them were inspired by real accounts that, over the years,
have been made more fanciful.”
And I'll close out today's story with a quote from Dr. Samuel: “When
one looks at all the evidence that mankind lived with dinosaurs,
you'll see that there's really no need for people to come up with
Written by: Mr. Smiley
Photographer: Daniel P.
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